Firmly rooted in the soil of Normandy, Calvados producers are committed to preserving and protecting their home region through a variety of sustainability initiatives and practices.

Orchards as a climate resource
Calvados is produced using apples from 8 000 hectares of orchards – the equivalent of 27 Central Parks. Without this precious natural resource, Calvados would not exist, and in the current climate context, preserving these trees becomes that much more important. The 3 million trees of the region are a natural carbon-capture technology, sequestering 35-50 tons of carbon per hectare over 25 years. The traditional farming methods used also prevent overproduction and encourage biodiversity.
8,000 ha
of Normand orchards
of carbon/ha over 25y
Protecting pollinators
Calvados orchards provide habitats for pollinators like bees, essential to the overall ecosystem/ In fact, orchards are estimated to provide 4 times more habitats than field crops!

Using ecofriendly production methods
Irrigation is forbidden in the region, and the overall production is very water-efficient as it uses a closed loop.
These practices help ensure that Calvados and its region will continue to thrive for years to come.